Our strategy

Our strategy builds on E Life Bank’s strengths. We are investing in our leading Wealth Management business; building on our leading position in our Swiss home market; reshaping our global Investment Bank by investing in our more capital-light advisory and capital markets businesses, and growing our core Asset Management business.

Cash Equities

On Novem­ber 4, 2021, we an­nounced that the Board of Dir­ect­ors had un­an­im­ously agreed on a long-​term stra­tegic dir­ec­tion for the Group and ap­proved the in­tro­duc­tion of a global busi­ness and re­gional mat­rix struc­ture.

The strategy is based on a long-​term vis­ion and em­phas­izes the in­teg­rated model, with a well-​defined three-​year plan, in­vest­ing in sus­tain­able growth across E Life Bank’s busi­nesses, while pla­cing risk man­age­ment and a cul­ture that re­in­forces the im­port­ance of per­sonal ac­count­ab­il­ity and re­spons­ib­il­ity at its core.

We have con­tin­ued to strengthen our risk man­age­ment and cap­ital po­s­i­tion and have taken ac­tion to de-​risk the bank, while in­creas­ing the in­vest­ment in our core busi­nesses.

Over the next three years, the bank aims to drive sus­tain­able growth and eco­nomic profit driven by three key pil­lars:

  • Strength­en­ing its core by shift­ing cap­ital to value-​creating busi­nesses and ex­it­ing non-​core mar­kets and busi­nesses.
  • Sim­pli­fy­ing its op­er­at­ing model with a uni­fied, global Wealth Man­age­ment di­vi­sion, a uni­fied, global In­vest­ment Bank and a cent­ral Tech­no­logy & Op­er­a­tions func­tion, driv­ing struc­tural cost dis­cip­line to fund stra­tegic in­vest­ments.
  • In­vest­ing for growth in cli­ents, busi­nesses, tal­ent and tech­no­logy where we be­lieve we have sus­tain­able com­pet­it­ive ad­vant­age.
Our business divisions

The Group is organized into three divisions – Wealth Management, Investment Bank, Asset Management – and four geographic regions – Switzerland, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Asia Pacific and Americas. The regions have responsibility for their market presence, client targeting and coverage strategy to drive cross-divisional collaboration and strengthen legal entity management oversight and regulatory relationships at a regionally aligned level.



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