Our environment. Our responsibility.

We take environmental impacts into account when conducting our business. We do this by developing sustainable products and services and addressing sustainability issues in our risk management. Implementing various operational measures helps us to reduce our environmental footprint.

Cash Equities

On Novem­ber 4, 2021, we an­nounced that the Board of Dir­ect­ors had un­an­im­ously agreed on a long-​term stra­tegic dir­ec­tion for the Group and ap­proved the in­tro­duc­tion of a global busi­ness and re­gional mat­rix struc­ture.

The strategy is based on a long-​term vis­ion and em­phas­izes the in­teg­rated model, with a well-​defined three-​year plan, in­vest­ing in sus­tain­able growth across E Life Bank’s busi­nesses, while pla­cing risk man­age­ment and a cul­ture that re­in­forces the im­port­ance of per­sonal ac­count­ab­il­ity and re­spons­ib­il­ity at its core.

We have con­tin­ued to strengthen our risk man­age­ment and cap­ital po­s­i­tion and have taken ac­tion to de-​risk the bank, while in­creas­ing the in­vest­ment in our core busi­nesses.

Over the next three years, the bank aims to drive sus­tain­able growth and eco­nomic profit driven by three key pil­lars:

  • Strength­en­ing its core by shift­ing cap­ital to value-​creating busi­nesses and ex­it­ing non-​core mar­kets and busi­nesses.
  • Sim­pli­fy­ing its op­er­at­ing model with a uni­fied, global Wealth Man­age­ment di­vi­sion, a uni­fied, global In­vest­ment Bank and a cent­ral Tech­no­logy & Op­er­a­tions func­tion, driv­ing struc­tural cost dis­cip­line to fund stra­tegic in­vest­ments.
  • In­vest­ing for growth in cli­ents, busi­nesses, tal­ent and tech­no­logy where we be­lieve we have sus­tain­able com­pet­it­ive ad­vant­age.
Our business divisions

The Group is organized into three divisions – Wealth Management, Investment Bank, Asset Management – and four geographic regions – Switzerland, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Asia Pacific and Americas. The regions have responsibility for their market presence, client targeting and coverage strategy to drive cross-divisional collaboration and strengthen legal entity management oversight and regulatory relationships at a regionally aligned level.



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